Bobbi Booker

How has COVID-19 changed your life?

Covid 19 has impacted my job and my community, and as essential personnel who is carless I must negotiate an increasing unsteady community on decreasingly available public transit. Every day I’ve been inspired by watching acts of kindness, such as a woman standing at the top of the subway offering gloves to passengers and bonds of reconnection between family and friends. I have welcomed this time as a way to challenge myself and achieve some long set personal goals.

What has your City/County done well?

Philadelphia has offered food and resources, and the arts and culture organizations have stepped up to help the creative class. there is hope.

What can your City/County do better?

I don’t believe the city has its finger on the pulse of the emotional demise of some of its most economically fragile residents. We are at the beginning of an projected 18-month cycle that may never correct itself — and the time to address this issue is now before its denizens explodes.